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Trip Hazard with Eleri Morgan

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Books That Made Me with Lucy Owen

Lucy Owen talks with famous names about the books they loved as a child. Guests include Matthew Rhys, Rakie Ayola, Kimberly Nixon and Oliver Jeffers.

Listen on BBC Sounds

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Our Lives:
We Are Strong Women

Sixteen Media followed Sam & Sue on their journey to compete in the Wales Strong Woman competition. The two Aberdare women share the highs and the lows of competing in a sport that has given them so much more than physical strength.


Kizzy Crawford: Autism and Me 

Singer / songwriter Kizzy Crawford has recently been diagnosed with autism.  We follow Kizzy as she finds out more about autism in girls and discovers why it’s girls who are frequently diagnosed later than boys.  Kizzy meets a number of other people with autism including Chris Packham who shares his experiences and advice.


40 Winks with
Sarah Breese

Comedian and self-confessed night-owl Sarah Breese is awake most nights and has started wondering why. She's never found it easy to get to sleep and despite spending most evenings on the road travelling from gig to gig, she's getting fed up of feeling worn out. So she's enlisted the help of some sleep experts and won't rest until she gets some answers.


She'll meet neuroscientist Dr. Dean Burnett to talk about brains and sleep-science while sleep expert Alex Perkins tells Sarah about physiological factors and sleep apnoea. Confronting the issue through her stand up, Sarah discovers that she shares her insomnia with the likes of Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, and Mark Twain. Will staying awake all night actually turn her into a creative genius? Or does it just explain how she once went to a meeting wearing two non-matching shoes?

Trip Hazard with Eleri Morgan

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Trip Hazard with Eleri Morgan

Comedian Eleri Morgan, explores her diagnosis of dyspraxia.  She speaks to fellow comedians who also have dyspraxia as well as experts in the field.


Jamie Owen's Wales

In the 10th series of Jamie Owen’s Wales, Jamie Owen explores the old county of Gwent. 


From a stroll through the grounds of Tredgar House to a gentle cruise on a canal, Jamie meets the people who live and work in and around Newport.


Nothing Like a Dame

Comedian and actress Sarah Breese has always wanted to be a pantomime star but her only experience to date was as a child, when she reached the giddy heights of the front end of a panto cow.  As the festive season gets underway, Sarah takes a whirlwind tour of some of Wales’ finest productions to see if she has what it takes to tread the slippery boards of the pantomime stage. 


From her favourite family panto in Mid Wales, to a rock’n’roll extravaganza in the north, she’ll hear some surprising stories from behind the scenes, as well as being put through her paces by the country’s most beloved panto stars. Sarah sets off to find out if she has the requisite four “Ss” (strength, stamina, singing and silliness) to be a good fairy, or will she make a Dick Whittington of herself?


Jamie Owen's Pembrokeshire

Jamie Owen meets the people who live, work and holiday in his home county of Pembrokeshire.

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Unheard Voices

A series of interviews with people who are living with disabilities throughout lockdown.


Each five minute profile looks at the different experiences of lockdown, for some it was incredibly lonely and for others it brought new opportunities for socialising online.


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